Improving herd genetics in beef cattle: The promising role of Python computer programming language in genetic evaluation systems

A promising new technology to develop genetic evaluation systems…When it comes to genetic evaluation systems, the technologies backing these systems have a big impact on outputs generated for genetic improvement at the herd and sector levels. Researchers from the University of Guelph and University of São Paulo in Brazil, in collaboration with AgSights, have tested out a new computer programming language called Python that holds great potential to improve the development of genetic evaluation systems. This article provides a line of sight into how new technologies used to develop genetic evaluation systems are assessed and how they can be utilized to support genetic improvement in the beef sector.

Feeding the Beef Cow in Late Pregnancy

Developing an effective feeding program for gestating beef cows… Are your beef cows in late gestation on a feeding program that will set them up for success during lactation, for rebreeding, and beyond? In his article “Feeding the Beef Cow in Late Pregnancy”, OMAFRA Beef Cattle Specialist James Byrne outlines some important considerations for effectively feeding beef cows in late gestation and the lasting impact of feeding decisions made during this time.

Does length of prepartum energy supplementation impact colostrum quality and quantity?

Exploring the effects of over-supplementation on colostrum quality…‘Tis the season to discuss the value of colostrum to newborn calves and the factors impacting colostrum quality and quantity. Madi Lewis and a team of University of Guelph researchers have investigated how over-supplementing energy in the ration of late gestation cows affects colostrum production and performance of the calf and dam. Find out what this research uncovered and what it means.

Canadian Cow-Calf Survey

Have your say! … There are a number of current and upcoming opportunities for Ontario beef producers to provide input as part of provincial and national surveys. Have your say in these important initiatives. It’s an opportunity for you to benchmark your practices against those of other producers. It’s also important to have Ontario representation in these datasets to inform outreach activities, policy initiatives and further research. Learn more about how you can contribute to the Benchmark Study of the Canadian Feedlot Industry, the OAHN Survey on Digital Dermatitis, and the BCRC National Cow-Calf Survey.

We’ve got the beef!

Have you listened to our new podcast? Monthly episodes are released to help producers navigate best practices for their production system through information updates and timely tips for the upcoming season. Each episode will feature a conversation with an OMAFRA specialist, a beef researcher, an industry expert, or a local producer. Listen two the last [...]

Preparing your beef cattle for winter

Wintering beef cows outdoors. Picture: James Byrne OMAFRA Wintering beef heifers indoors. Picture: James Byrne OMAFRA Winter is fast approaching. With a few weeks to go, now is the time to start getting your beef cattle ready. Below are the top 10 tips for getting winter ready: Body condition scoring. This is a great time [...]

An overview of beef on dairy crossbred cattle in the beef industry

Beef on dairy crossbred cattle are becoming more abundant in Ontario feedlots. Havie Carter, OMAFRA Beef cattle specialist, provides an overview of the emerging trend including beef on dairy crossbred cattle performance and their lifetime production cycle.

Beef cost of production prepared in three ways

The cost of cattle production is not a one-tier topic. John Molenhuis, business analysis and cost of production specialist outlines the 2020 cost of production results for the beef cow-calf sector. The cost of production at each of the three levels is also introduced to explain the differences between cash profit, non-cash costs and opportunity costs on the farm.