Improving herd genetics in beef cattle: The promising role of Python computer programming language in genetic evaluation systems

A promising new technology to develop genetic evaluation systems…When it comes to genetic evaluation systems, the technologies backing these systems have a big impact on outputs generated for genetic improvement at the herd and sector levels. Researchers from the University of Guelph and University of São Paulo in Brazil, in collaboration with AgSights, have tested out a new computer programming language called Python that holds great potential to improve the development of genetic evaluation systems. This article provides a line of sight into how new technologies used to develop genetic evaluation systems are assessed and how they can be utilized to support genetic improvement in the beef sector.

Nurturing the New Cattle on the Block: Setting cattle up for success when they arrive at the feedlot

Nurturing new arrivals to the feedlot… Have you reviewed your receiving program lately? The spring cattle run is upon us, marking a great time to review and reflect upon practices that set cattle up for success in the feedlot from the start. This article by OMAFRA Beef Cattle Specialist, Megan Van Schaik, highlights some key practices to consider as part of a receiving program that can help achieve a smooth transition for new arrivals.

Does Yeast Supplementation in High-Grain Feedlot Diets Help with Recovery from Induced Ruminal Acidosis Challenge?

Beyond baking bread: exploring the role of yeast in feedlot rations… Yeast has long been explored as an additive to livestock rations to enhance gut health. Through her research at the University of Guelph, Dr. Melissa Williams has investigated how yeast plays a role in feedlot rations, most recently exploring the impact of yeast supplementation to beef cattle fed high-grain diets with monensin and how yeast affects gut wall permeability. Read on for more details on the study design and findings.

Does length of prepartum energy supplementation impact colostrum quality and quantity?

Exploring the effects of over-supplementation on colostrum quality…‘Tis the season to discuss the value of colostrum to newborn calves and the factors impacting colostrum quality and quantity. Madi Lewis and a team of University of Guelph researchers have investigated how over-supplementing energy in the ration of late gestation cows affects colostrum production and performance of the calf and dam. Find out what this research uncovered and what it means.

Canadian Cow-Calf Survey

Have your say! … There are a number of current and upcoming opportunities for Ontario beef producers to provide input as part of provincial and national surveys. Have your say in these important initiatives. It’s an opportunity for you to benchmark your practices against those of other producers. It’s also important to have Ontario representation in these datasets to inform outreach activities, policy initiatives and further research. Learn more about how you can contribute to the Benchmark Study of the Canadian Feedlot Industry, the OAHN Survey on Digital Dermatitis, and the BCRC National Cow-Calf Survey.

Ontario Animal Health Network Survey on Digital Dermatitis

Have your say! … There are a number of current and upcoming opportunities for Ontario beef producers to provide input as part of provincial and national surveys. Have your say in these important initiatives. It’s an opportunity for you to benchmark your practices against those of other producers. It’s also important to have Ontario representation in these datasets to inform outreach activities, policy initiatives and further research. Learn more about how you can contribute to the Benchmark Study of the Canadian Feedlot Industry, the OAHN Survey on Digital Dermatitis, and the BCRC National Cow-Calf Survey.

Coming Soon: The Canadian Feedlot Benchmark Study

Have your say! … There are a number of current and upcoming opportunities for Ontario beef producers to provide input as part of provincial and national surveys. Have your say in these important initiatives. It’s an opportunity for you to benchmark your practices against those of other producers. It’s also important to have Ontario representation in these datasets to inform outreach activities, policy initiatives and further research. Learn more about how you can contribute to the Benchmark Study of the Canadian Feedlot Industry, the OAHN Survey on Digital Dermatitis, and the BCRC National Cow-Calf Survey.