Is the yield potential of alfalfa increasing?

Is the yield potential of alfalfa increasing?

Christine O’Reilly, forage and grazing specialist explains the complicated relationship between alfalfa breeding efforts and yield potential. Christine describes trends in past and current research and unravels the reasons for yield fluctuations in newly released alfalfa varieties.

Bunk Management and Newly Received Cattle

The transition to a finishing environment is a challenging period for beef cattle. Bunk management strategies for newly received cattle were evaluated as part of a bunk management project that began in 2020 with OMAFRA and the Ontario Corn Fed Beef Program. Megan Van Schaik, beef cattle specialist outlines feeding behaviour of newly received cattle as well as bunk management and ration transition strategies identified in participating feedlots.

Beef cost of production prepared in three ways

The cost of cattle production is not a one-tier topic. John Molenhuis, business analysis and cost of production specialist outlines the 2020 cost of production results for the beef cow-calf sector. The cost of production at each of the three levels is also introduced to explain the differences between cash profit, non-cash costs and opportunity costs on the farm.